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Our company does not process charges to credit or debit cards. If your statement displays a transaction attributed to our company, please contact your card issuer without delay to dispute the charge.

Be aware that fraudsters might exploit the identities of legitimate businesses to levy unauthorized charges on compromised cards. While we recommend reporting such incidents to law enforcement, we’d also appreciate it if you could inform us if the culprits are apprehended.

Thank you for your understanding and vigilance!

DATA SCIENCE & analytics

Data only reveals its truly value after it is compiled, sorted, analyzed, manipulated and visualized. Our data science team masters the full spectrum of the data science life cycle.

artificial intelligence

Across industries, more fields of Artificial intelligence are streamlining operations and improving efficiencies. Our researchers and experts have spent years focus on automation, data analytics, natural language processing and computer vision.

Website & app development

Website and App have become the top essential component of the business. We provide full-stack website, Android, and iOS development services, together with A/B testing, quality assurance, and project management.


It requires precise and complex work, but it always ends up being worth the effort, resulting in cost savings and greater flexibility. We offer customized solutions to integrate, transfer, sharing your data among multiple platforms(services).


Wang & Company is a professional services firm that works side by side with clients to help develop and deliver products that drive customer value and company results. Professionals in multiple locations worldwide draw on deep industry expertise, leading-edge analytics, technology, innovation and strategy to deliver impact where it matters for companies across multiple industries.

Data science for WANG&Co.

Why outsourcing? By outsourcing, businesses are rewarded with extra time and greater staff support. This allows them to scale, remain competitive, and improve their services and offerings. Deloitte’s 2016 study of why businesses outsource remains the most relevant and reliable list.

Reduce or control costs 59%
Enables focus on core business 57%
Solves capacity issues 47%
Enhances service quality 31%
Critical to business needs 28%
For talent and knowledge 28%
Manages business env. 17%
Boost transformation 17%



With experienced professionals and Ph.Ds, we bring the knowledge you need to solve your problems.


Hiring our domestic team can help you protecting your sensitive data and intellectual property. Access to specialists with expert-level knowledge and skills.


Our offshore team offers lower labor costs, tax savings, 24/7 availability, and same quality of work as domestic teams. No communication barriers.


Trust is the belief and confidence in the integrity, reliability and fairness of a organization. Hire the right people, be prepared, we only do what we do best.

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